Sunday, April 3, 2011

Favorite 4 writing discussion questions

1. (Q1) I think this packet is very useful . It couldn't get any simpler and also I think this packet can help those who try to improve in writing. It make a lot of sense. It's broken down to understand better.

2.(Q3) I think more papers because I like to make sure it sounds complete and I put as much information , but not too much. There's nothing wrong with scratch papers.

3.(Q7) I think you keep trying to help this kid or kids to raise their standards. Keep pushing them and make them think a lot and do the right thing. Get the kids to stop acting so stubborn.

4.(Q8) A way to get a writer more motivated is to have that student write more stories or narratives. Just give them a journal and tell them to write everyday about something that most interest them.

Friday, May 7, 2010

A Day On Restriction W/a Twist

Yesterday I went to school and I learned. Also I was on restriction because I was a few minutes late to my curfew. I didn’t do anything while I was in my house. Then at 7:30pm I was asked if I was going to Grandma Jean Poetry Slam. At first I wasn’t going but I decided to go because a special person was going. I thought the event was very good and next Thursday I want to go to it. After that, I was surprised on what happen next. As I walked into my house, I received a phone call from Lizbeth saying that my twin brother was on campus. I went to the office and as I was told he was there. My brother AWOLED, he lives by Target and he walked from there and got picked up from Girl 7. He was on his way to a party in Ramona with no money or food. I went to get him some food and we dropped him and his roommate at home. This Saturday I’m going Surfing and this Sunday I have a date with a special person.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Well Done in School

I am very excited about the new laptops because now we are getting more laptops. So today I found out that I am about to have a "B" in Spanish class. At first I had a "D" or a "F," but now I have a high "C' and I did very well on my Spanish test. I also have a "C" in Biology. Also I was talking to Mr. Beddle and he told me that I improved alot better in his class. I want to improve in my World History and my English class because I am failing their class but not by alot. Also I don't want to be on two hours anymore so I am going to push my self to do good.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Earthquake Blog Post

Yesterday afternoon, I was past when the earthquake occurred. I was laying down at the moment of time and I surpised because it was so random.It sounded like someone was on our roof, and also the whole house was shaking. This is like the biggest earthquake I felt while living in San Diego.We have a big fish tank and all the water was moving side to side. It was kind of hard to walk while the earthquake was happening.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Yesterday, I was not feeling well. I was very tired and i didn't want to do anything at all but sleep. If I could be any fruit, I would like to be a mango just because everyone loves mangos.

Friday, February 26, 2010


My favorite cartoon character are Micky Mouse, Bugs Bunny, and Daffy Duck . I Just think they are very funny. I think Bugs Bunny is the most funniest cartoon ever.Daffy Duck is goofy and Micky Mouse is cool.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Lately, my back has been hurting very bad. I think I slept wrong or something,but everyday its getting worse and worse. well theres a game tonight and I'm going to it. I hope the dragons don't lose.